persuasive essay




Do you want to know why I should have more activities but guess what you’re about to say I don’t care.


1.I’ll be fit

.Won’t be sitting on the couch.

.Won’t be eating chips.

.Won’t be watching TV.

2.No kids

.Go on your bike. (Dad)

.Do your bills alone.(Mom)

.Not getting nagged by children.

3.Feel good

. I’ll be super glad.

.I’ll be talking about it a lot.

.Have a snack while feeling good.


Paragraph 2


Why should I have  Activities? Because I’ll be fit, No kids,Feel good and many other reasons so if you agree so far there are still more reasons.

That was just the beginning if you thought that was at the half of the essay that wasn’t even a quarter!let’s keep on going for the next few reasons.



. I won’t be butt sticked to the IPad 

.I’ll do whatever I did at the activities.


.you want me to be at home breaking stuff?

I didn’t think 🤔 you would say yes.


. Are you ever annoyed that there’s no more dinner?

If I’m at an activity there will be more dinner for you.

Paragraph 4

If you have agreed then you are tired. Of me listing you with ideas you are getting flopped.

Now we are halfway done.Let’s keep going.



So I noticed you are finished so I decided to let you free. This is the conclusion of my persuasive essay. But if you two agree, tell me whenever you can. That is why I should have more activities.


Thank you for reading!

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